EVA 16 2.0 – Audio Management System

Reliable, Cheap, Expandable… What more do you need?

EVA 16 2.0 Audio Management System, as part of a Public Address, Voice Alarm and Evacuation System (SAA), is used to control and monitor all required communication and safety functions as required by EN 54-16.

Six Audio inputs (4x PRG/music sources & 2x AUX) and 5 audio outputs (4x OUT / 1x Backup), to connect up to eight 100V amplifiers (up to 500W/channel), are available on the EVA 16 2.0 unit

Automatic switch over to a backup amplifier in case of an amplifier failure. Besides monitoring of the connected amplifier, the EVA 16 2.0 monitors the connected backup power supply as well.

Expansion to a large, more complex system through integrated G&M interfaces. Master/Slave function of the EVA 16 2.0 can be configured using the menu settings.

Continuous, inaudible functional monitoring of the loudspeaker lines for short to earth, short circuit, line-interruption and impedance deviation, even while announcements take place or during playback of music sources. Inaudible disconnection of a loudspeaker line in case a short-circuit has been found.

The loudspeaker line extension system EVALINE 2.0 (8x A/B 100V loudspeaker lines), provides simple expansion of loudspeaker lines (up to 10 EVALINE units).


Intercoms for the voice alarm system – EVA

EVA 16 TER 2.0

EVA 16 TER 2.0


EVA 16 SYS 80 2.0

EVA 16 SYS 80 2.0


EVA 16 SYS 2 P 2.0

EVA 16 SYS 2 P 2.0
